Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So, we had our ultrasound this morning at 7, and I am so glad that Dustin was able to go with me.  I really didn't want to go by myself....I know, I'm weird.  Anyhow, we could not have asked for any better news!!  There are absolutley NO cysts, and my ovaries and utereus all look good!!! 

So, I started taking my Femara today, and will take that twice a day through the 23rd.  On the 21st, I will start my injections and take those through the 27th!!!  I will go back in for another ultrasound and blood work on the 27th.  In that ultrasound, they are looking to see the size of my follicles (where an egg is stored until released).  They want the follicles to be between 18-25 mm.  If they are in that range, Dustin will give me the HCG shot (to release the egg((s)) in my bottom that night (27th), and then we will go in for the IUI on the morning of the 29th!!!  If on the 27th, by follicles are not 18-25 mm, but are close, I will do the injections for 1 more day, and then on the 28th, Dustin will give me the HCG shot in the bottom, and we will go in for the IUI on the morning of the 30th.  If we do in IUI on the 29th, then I can take a home pregnancy test on May 13, 2011!!!  If we do the IUI on the 30th, then I can take a home pregnancy test on
May 14, 2011!!! 

So now is when my nerves really start acting up.  I know that I have to stay calm and stress free, and although I am going to try my best, that is so much easier said than done.  This is the most nerve racking thing that I have ever had to go through.  Hopefully we can finally receive the miracle that we have been so patiently waiting for for so long.  We have have to keep our faith in GOD and keep praying to him.

Until next time....


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