Friday, October 22, 2010

Next Week

Well, I am going back to the doctor next Friday, and I am excited and scared.  I am exctied because it is long overdue and I am ready to start the process again, but scared because I don't know what they are going to tell me.  I am starting to write down questions that I have for the doctor, like:

Are my ovaries still "covered" with cysts?
Do you think the birth control and clomid will help?
What is the easiest way for me to lose weight to increase my chances of conceiving?

Most of you may not know a lot about PCOS, but most women with PCOS are overweight and have a hard time loosing the excess weight.....well I am one of those women.  I am about 65 pounds overweight, and really struggle trying to lose it.  I will lose 5 or 10 pounds, and then gain it right back again.  But that is normal for us with PCOS.  Women with PCOS also have excess hair on their body, very irregular periods, mood swings out the butt and are prone to developing diabetes.  Well, I have the excess weigh, the excess hair, the irregular periods, the mood swings and am borderline diabetic.

Having all of these issues makes my self esteem really low.  I find myself a lot of times questioning why Dustin is even with me.  I am overweight, I have hair like a man, I am so moody that I can't even stand myself and I can't give him the baby he wants.  And then I stop and take a look at all that we have been through and all that we have accomplished and I know that he loves me for who I am, hair, mood swings, excess weight and all.  And I love him so much for that.  He is the best man in the world and I could not ask for a better husband!

Well, that's it for now...until next time...


1 comment:

  1. Shawana Dustin loves you the way a husband is supposed to love his wife unconditionally. All the more reason for you to let him know of your love for him. Love you honey xoxoxo Aunt Vickie
